Smyrna / Rutherford County Airport Authority
Located twelve miles south of Nashville, Smyrna Airport is an award winning, progressive airport that is dedicated to the needs of corporate and general aviation. With more than 1,700 acres, Smyrna Airport is the third largest airport in Tennessee and the busiest general aviation airport in the state. Smyrna Airport users have, within ten miles, access to rail and three interstate systems which bisect Middle Tennessee. Smyrna Airport is located in the geographic center of Tennessee and more importantly the center of the eastern United States. Eighty percent of the United States population lives within a 700 mile radius of Smyrna. These factors influence the tremendous growth and ongoing location of industry in the Smyrna area.
The Smyrna/Rutherford County Airport Authority stands ready to be your business partner.
Check out the Airports Solar Farm
Solar Site Monitor